In August 1990, the Catholic Bible Association passed a resolution urging revision of the Old Testament of the New American Bible. In 1994, the National Conference of Catholic Bishops agreed to pass the resolution and form a steering committee/editorial board to direct the revision. The editorial board for the majority of the Old Testament consisted of 8 editors and 40 translators. In 2002, the Old Testament (excluding the Psalms) was completed and sent to the Subcommittee for the Translation of Scripture Text (previously, the Ad Hoc Committee for the Review of Scripture Translations) to see if it was a suitable Catholic translation. In September 2008, the last book (Jeremiah) of the Old Testament was accepted by the Subcommittee.
In November 2008, the Old Testament (including footnotes and introductions) was approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. However, they would not allow it to be published with the 1991 Psalms. A final revision of the NAB Psalter was undertaken using suggestions vetted by the Subcommittee for the Translation of Scripture Text and stricter conformity to Liturgiam Authenticam.Revisions to the New Testament, the work of thirteen revisers and five editors, began in 1978 and finished in 1986. The Old Testament revisions began in 1991 with the Psalms, completed by 30 revisers and 6 editors. Revisions to the remaining books of the Old Testament began in 1994 by forty revisers and eight editors. The Psalms were again revised between 2009 and 2010 by an additional seven revisers and two editors.
The fully revised Old Testament was formally approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in 2010. The 1986-edition of the New Testament and the newly-revised Old Testament were released together on March 9, 2011 as the New American Bible Revised Edition.
The newly-revised Psalms found in the New American Bible Revised Edition follows the guidelines of Liturgiam Authenticam, a document issued by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. Throughout the new translation of the Psalms, the use of inclusive language has been limited and appropriate gender-specific pronouns used in conjunction with the original Hebrew.Source: Wikipedia contributors, "New American Bible Revised Edition," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, (accessed August 26, 2011).
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